Selective bibliography
5. Wage dispersion and inequalities
7. Minimum wages and low wages
8. Wage strategies of companies
General evolution of wages - Statistical reports
. ILO, Global Wage Report/Rapport Mondial sur les Salaires, Geneva, 2008-2009 (2009), 2010-11 (2010), 2012-13 (2013), 2014-15 (2015), 2016-17 (2016) with insistence on special topics in each issue. Report 2008/09: Minimum wages and collective bargaining – Towards policy coherence. Report 2010/11: Wage policies in times of crisis. Report 2012/13: Wages and equitable growth, Report 2014/15: Wages and income inequalities, Report 2016/17: Wages inequality in the workplace
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. European Commission (2007), “The labour income share in the European Union”, in Employment in Europe 2007, Brussels, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, pp. 237–272.
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5. Wage dispersion and inequalities
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7. Minimum wages and low wages
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8. Wage strategies of companies
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